In the land of exercise, I’ve been in a pretty exclusive relationship with running. Sure, sometimes we’d go a while without seeing one another and I’d try something else, but I always came back to good ol’ running. At the start of 2012, I decided that I needed to mix it up a bit.
Running is still my main event, but I’ve picked up a few new exercise interests. I’m doing zumba. A super sweet woman from our church is teaching zumba classes for free once a week. A bunch of girls from our small group decided to try it out, and I think we’re hooked.
For those of you unfamiliar with this particular form of exercise, it’s basically a really embarrassing form of jazzercise. Now, I’m no fool. I know that I look ridiculous participating in any form of exercise. But this one, in particular, really focuses on my weakness: dancing. For those of you who have seen me dance, you know that I pretty much focus on arm pumping. I can rock that. But I have little to no coordination. I completely lack rhythm. And apparently I can’t move my arms and legs at the same time. There’s one particular move that really showcases this flaw: You stomp one foot and and alternately clap your hands in the air and tap your leg. For some reason, this is impossible for me. But I press on.
So once a week, I lace up my tennis shoes and get my dance on. It’s kind of impossible to get through the hour-long workout with laughing, and a laughter-filled evening of dancing beats an hour of running, any day.